
News for Bakuretsu Con 2009
September 1, 2009

Bakuretsu Con announces second round of guests

Bakuretsu Con is pleased to announce that voice actresses' Jamie Marchi and Leah Clark will be attending this year's convention as guests of honor. We are also excited to announce that fan-favorite guest Scott Melzer director of This is Otakudom in addition to fellow NoN.D.E. Fanfilms members Mike Wall and Marc McKenzie will also be joining us.

Bakuretsu Con must also regretfully announce that voice actor/artist Sonny Strait will not be able to make it to the convention due to personal reasons.

Leah Clark is a voice actress, writer and ADR director for Funimation Entertainment. She got her start in voice acting as a bit actress for Case Closed, Burst Angel, and Spiral. Her first major role was as Nodoka Miyazaki in Mahou Sensei Negima! Since then she has voiced Akane in Rumbling Hearts, Noah in Full Metal Alchemist, Eri in School Rumble, Suzuka in Suzuka, Kataro in Black Blood Brothers, as well as many others. She is currently working on Nabari No O, Dragonaut, and her favorite role to date--Fuyuki Hinata in Sgt Frog.

Jamie Marchi was raised on a steady diet of Bob Dylan, Molière, Christopher Durang and Mentos. Jamie Marchi has been acting professionally since the turn of the century. She is best known for roles in Witchblade (Masane Amaha), Black Cat (Rinslet Walker), Burst Angel (Meg), Crayon Shin-chan (Miss Polly), Sgt Frog (Aki, ADR writer, ADR director), Spice and Wolf (Chloe, ADR writer, ADR director), Negima?! (Haruna, ADR writer, ADR director), Fruits Basket (Motoko Minigawa), Suzuka (Miki), Fullmetal Alchemist (Rick), Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (Juri), and assorted characters in Dragon Balls Z and GT, amongst others.

Scott Melzer has been an anime fan since birth in 1966, Scott grew up on Speed Racer and Star Blazers, having no idea of the shows' origins. In college he learned the truth: they were Japanese, and there were uncut versions of these shows! And there were conventions! Rabid otakunization soon followed. In 2001 he tried his hand at directing fan parodies, and the homage to fans and fandom "This Is Otakudom" was the result. He then began running panels at conventions to introduce others to fan made films and help people make their own. His latest video project is the fan parody, "S.T.E.A.M.: The Movie" which took over three and a half years to finish.

You can read more about all of this year's guests at

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention and 2009 marks its 8th year. The convention will be held October 29th to November 1st and is located in Colchester right off of Interstate 89 at the Hampton Inn. Bakuretsu Con offers a variety of activities and programming including cosplay, dances, video screenings, video gaming, table top gaming, dealer's room, artist's alley, manga library, and many panels and workshops related to Japanese culture, anime fandom, and the industry. Bakuretsu Con is presented by the Anime Society of Vermont.

About the Anime Society of Vermont: The Anime Society of Vermont is a public not for profit organization with the primary goal to expand anime fandom in Vermont. Its primary outreach for this is Bakuretsu Con.

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