
News for Colossalcon 2010
June 9, 2009

Colossalcon announces return to Kalahari Convention Center

Dates and location confirmed for next summer at Colossalcon

SANDUSKY, OH - June 9, 2009 - Colossalcon has announced their dates and location for their 9th year as an anime convention in Ohio. The Kalahari Convention Center will once again host Colossalcon for a summer weekend of anime fandom and waterpark fun in 2010 on June 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. One confirmed guest is Chibi Jae, who will be providing his usual array of panels and events to entertain the masses.

ABOUT CHIBI JAE: Chibi Jae, Minister of All Things Stuff, has been a friend of Colossalcon since year two, and has been an honored guest for the past three. He continues to be a source of entertainment with his many panels and interactive events that fit the convention world so well.

Provided Bio: Born in the heart of darkness down in the foothills of Southwest Ohio, Chibi Jae grew up in a world in which he was promised flying cars, super robots and colonies on the moon by the time he reached the 21st Century. Unfortunately, the television lied to him, but it did fill his head with more useless pop culture trivia beyond any recommended levels. Achieving a master level in obscure and pointless facts, he has spread the gospels of trivial tidbits to all corners of the state of Ohio and taken the sermons of stuff to a higher standard. He has been preaching the inane and insane at Colossalcon for seven years now, and has no plans of retiring any time soon. Chibi Jae has taken on many roles in that time, entertaining attendees with spectacles and panels to all pointof absurdity which include the Stuff Panel, the Complete History of Everything, One Thousand Recipes for Muppet and Dieselpunk Made Simple. He is currently on a campaign in the world of seven seas, buckle-swashing the masses, ingesting mass amounts of coffee and rolling the bones at every port of call.

ABOUT COLOSSALCON: Colossalcon is an anime convention next summer, June 3-6, 2010, in Sandusky, OH at the Convention Center of the Kalahari Waterpark Resort.

Events during the 4-day weekend include 2 dances, 2 cosplay contests, a big dealers room, huge game room with tournaments on consoles and tabletop, video rooms showing anime and live action all weekend, guest and industry panels, fandom panels, and more!


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