
News for Bakuretsu Con 2007
October 25, 2007

Bakuretsu Con announces new guests

The staff of Bakuretsu Con is pleased to announce the following guests have been added to this year's guest roster.

Michael "Mookie" Terracciano- Back by popular demand he is the creator of the fantasy manga webcomic, "Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire." A familiar face at Bakuretsu Con his workshops on Web Comics and how to draw are always a crowd pleaser.

Jekka Cormier- the writer of Seraphic (, a webcomic that grabbed her by the brainstem and wouldn't let go until she submitted to its monstrous demands.

Matt Myers- Who launched in November 2005 as a small business dedicated to writing music for video games is happy to return to Bakuretsu Con this year. His Anime Song Writing Workshop is a great way to get a taste of what it is like to work in the anime and video game industry.

These guests will be joining voice actor Tiffany Grant, artists Steve Bennett, The Comiku Girls, and fan parody group NoN.D.E. Fan Films featuring Scott Melzer, Jon Miller and Matt Pyson.

You can read more about all of this year's guests as well as our many events by visiting our website at

In other news we would also like to announce that the Anime Dating Game and the EGL Tea Party will be back again as well as new events including Parody Panic! Fan Dubbing Workshop and The Chibi Project Live.

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention. We are located in Colchester right off of Interstate 89 at the Hampton Inn. Bakuretsu Con offers many activities for it's attendees such as: Cosplay, Anime LARP, Art Contests, AMV Contest, Dealers Room, Guests, Artists, Panels & Workshops, Large Video Gaming Room, Anime Screenings, Anime Gaming (CCGs, RPGs, ect), and much more.

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