
News for Bakuretsu Con 2006
October 16, 2006

Bakuretsu Con will be saved by S.T.E.A.M.

The staff of Bakuretsu Con is proud to present two new guests for this year's event.

First up is fan parody director and AMV creator Scott Melzer. Scott has brought us a wonderful pair of parodies; This is Otakudom and S.T.E.A.M. Scott is also known for the many AMVs he has created over the years and is a past winner in Otakon's famous AMV contest. Read more about Scott here:

Next on our growing list of guests is the web comic artists The Comiku Girls. These artists are not your typical otaku. Or at least they like to think so. Each has had a pencil in their hand since they could hold one, and have been telling stories since they could talk. Li Izumi has studied Japanese language and culture for over a decade, including a semester abroad in Akita, Japan. Akiko Meigetsu has studied Brush Painting with a Chinese artist for a year in America to complement her five years of formal study in watercolors. None of which explains their sense of humor. For more about the Comiku Girls also check out the guest page at:

This year we have a special treat for all you fans of fan parodies. We present S.T.E.A.M.(for sure this time!)and the newly finished DVD version of This is Otakudom for the first time ever at any event! Our guest himself, Scott Melzer, will be hosting the screenings of both movies as well as holding panels about AMV creation and NoN.D.E. Fanfilms.

In other news we would like to announce a unique event for those into other aspects of the Japanese fandom. This year we present the EGL Tea Party, Sunday November 5th 1:00 PM at the convention. For those of you unfamiliar with the terms Lolita and EGL, Lolita fashion, or Gothic Lolita, which originated in Japan, is largely inspired by Victorian children's clothing and the elaborate clothing of the Roccoco period. Other influences include the western gothic subculture, punk subculture, French maid outfits as well as dolls and young girls clothing across the world.

For the complete menu as well as pricing and sign up please visit us here:

For the most up to date information please visit our web site at and make sure to check for announcements in the fourm.

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention. We are located in Colchester right off of Interstate 89 at the Hampton Inn. Bakuretsu Con offers many activities for it's attendees such as: Cosplay, Anime LARP, Art Contests, AMV Contest, Dealers Room, Guests, Artists, Panels & Workshops, Large Video Gaming Room, Anime Screenings, Anime Gaming (CCGs, RPGs, ect), and much more.

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