
News for Anime Boston 2004 and Sakura-Con 2004
December 6, 2003

April convention hotels filling up

reported by PatrickD

On Friday, both Anime Boston and Sakura-Con reported that they have sold out of all rooms in their hotels except for some with single beds.

Anime Boston's single bed rooms are reported to be going fast. Due to the attendance cap, people wisely seem to be making their reservations and pre-registering early. Over 1000 people are currently registered for the convention. Anime Boston is scheduled for April 9 through 11, 2004. More information is available on Anime Boston's web site.

Sakura-Con has reported that there is still plenty of room at the nearby Marriott Hotel. Sakura-Con reports 718 people registered as of November 28th. The convention is scheduled for April 23 through 25, 2004. Further information is available on Sakura-Con's web site.