
News for Sakura-Con 2006
June 23, 2005

Sakura-Con moves to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center

Seattle, WA- 6-16-2005 ANCEA (Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association) is proud to once again sponsor the ninth annual Sakura-Con March 24th - 26th, 2006 at a new location: the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Sakura-Con is the premiere Pacific Northwest convention devoted to Japanese animation (anime), comics (manga), gaming and traditional East Asian culture. It is the destination event for an expected attendance of over 7500 fans, industry leaders, celebrities, and artists.

This move will increase our space by 200% and allows us to offer more events, panels, video gaming and much more fun. Join us this year for Sakura-Con 2006 as we gather with thousands of enthusiasts to explore the contemporary and traditional cultures of East Asia. See premieres of new shows and video games, meet the creators behind the art, behold many people in outlandish costumes, and dance the night away. Pre-Register now and save substanially versus at the door prices. For more information please visit our website at

$40 until 8-31-2005
$45 until 2-28-2006

$60 at the door
Children age 6-12 are half-price
Children under 6 are free

ANCEA is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about Asian popular and traditional culture. They organize several events every year in order to promote this goal. Sakura-Con is the largest of these events.


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