AppleloosaCon 2013 Information
AppleloosaCon 2013
October 18-20, 2013
Mesa Convention CenterMesa, AZ
Media Convention with Toy programming
AppleloosaCon is a three-day gathering for fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Located in Phoenix, Arizona, AppleloosaCon is a family-friendly event created by fans for fans of all ages. Over the past two years, this new children's TV show has become a pop-culture phenomenon that has delighted and inspired people all over the world. It will now be our pleasure to bring to you, a three day weekend to show off the art, music, and just general happiness that this show has inspired in Arizona. AppleloosaCon will feature a varied and exciting schedule of events, including informational panels, a formal dance, games, and more.
Registration Information
Advance Rates$49.99 until ?
Photos and Reports
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