Anime Evolution 2008 Information

Anime Evolution 2008

August 22-24, 2008

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Anime Convention

Anime Evolution is a 3-day Asian cultural and Japanese animation convention which is now hosted at the University of British Columbia.


4,400 total people (estimated)

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$30 through February 29, 2008
$35 through March 31, 2008
$40 through June 30, 2008
At-Door Rates
All 3 Days: $50
Friday: $40
Saturday: $45
Sunday: $40

Photos and Reports

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Anime Evolution 2008 News

Jul 14, 2008 Next month's Anime Evolution 2008 has been postponed
Jul 25, 2008 Anime Evolution 2008 has a new location, same dates


Update Information for Anime Evolution 2008

Last updated: 2025-02-25 22:00:35